Tag Archives: crime

America #1!!! (this is not a patriotic post)

Let’s take a look at the picture below…

Now if you’re pissed off and demanding “WHAT ARE THE SOURCES?! THIS IS UNPATRIOTIC! BLAHHHHHHH AMERICA!” calm down. If you’re laughing and saying “Yup… America” then put your fancy Harvard degree back in the collection of your “look at how much money I got to pay for elitist education.” If you’re in the middle ground saying “Yeah..I can see this being true, but seriously how about the sources?” then thank you for being moderate and I need more people like you around me.

I found this on the Facebook page Being Liberal and as a liberal minded person, I found it hilarious and slightly true, but in the process I lost a bit of hope and respect for my American peers and the opposing ideologies. Within the comment section were outcries from both sides of the spectrum, with the reoccurring statement “WHERE ARE THE SOURCES?! AMURRRICA!” being said with caps lock on high. After reading the same comments over and over again, I started to think of a rebuttal, and well…this blog post will serve as my rebuttal.

Hold on to your hats, people. Shit gonna get real, real fast.

Where are the sources? You want your sources? Walk outside your house and interact with the lovely American society. Go to your nearest mall, or shopping establishment, or restaurant. If you live in the city, then simply go to the nearest train station or bus depot. If you live in suburbia, then attend your next housing society meeting. If you live in the hick ass rural area, then drive 23408962734 hours to reach your next neighbor or shopping establishment. If you live by the beach area, then go over to the shore or pier area. Your sources are right there, in front of your eyes.

In all honesty, you don’t need numbers to prove just how bad America is in regards to all the statements made by the image. Just look around and you’ll see all the things mentioned to be slightly true, and if not, completely true. Just stepping outside of your house gives you some perspective on all of this. Hop on to any social network of your choice and boom, proof. Open up today’s newspaper and you’ll see articles validating my point. Turn on the television or the radio and you’ll see it. You’ll see the proof that you need.


Oh, the liberal hippies control the media? Then please refer to what I first mentioned about STEPPING OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE AND INTERACTING WITH THE LOVELY SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Oh, your narrow small minded unambitious and discriminating small group of family and friends don’t consist of any flaws that the image pokes fun at? Then expand your horizon and accept the fact that we live in a big world, and not only that, but a huge nation with 2340928673456234-58072986734 people that populate this lovely country. Do yourself a favor by not being so goddamn ignorant and naive, step out of your comfort zone, and TALK to other people and interact with them.

Now when I say TALK, I mean TALK WITH, not TALK AT. There’s a difference. Oh what’s that difference you ask? One is when you have a conversation without being a dick, and the other is when your’re a dick.

Now to play devil’s advocate…I do question the rape statement. Given the current unrest in some middle eastern nations, the numerous tribal and nation disputes in Africa, and other third world nations, I’m sure there are other places with higher rape counts. It’s just a matter of the rape incidents being reported or not. With those unstable nations, I’m sure there’s more rape incidents that occur and go unreported. That’s a statement I’m sure both sides could agree on.

“Haha…you’re still wrong.”

But seriously people…just look around you. Your sources are right there. And don’t deny it. Please don’t deny it because if anything, that’s what makes you look like a joke. A joke that no one can take seriously. And not only do you inflict damage upon yourself, but also the common people you associate with that share similar ideologies and beliefs. I have spent a small amount of time on both the east and west coast, but in that short amount of time I grew to become familiar with them. I went to school in the south, Florida to be specific, and I’m definitely familiar with the attitude and behavior of the people from the south. I’m not familiar with the mid-west, but I have plenty of close friends who have spent time there or who currently live there that have familiarized me with the area. I mention those things as a way to back up my my soapbox rant and to show that I don’t have a bias in regards to “you probably haven’t even been to the different parts of America, you un-American fool!”

“But America is the land of the free, Jerico. Only in America can you create a true rags to riches story for yourself. You have the freedom to be what you want to be. To say what you want to say. To do what you want to do, given that it’s not illegal. To think whatever you want to think. Our many freedoms are documented on papers drafted by our forefathers and we should be grateful for that. We should be thankful. We are free, Jerico.”

That much is true. Which is why I wrote this blog post without fear of retaliation from the government and state authority. That much I can appreciate. I have the right to an opinion and to voice my opinion through numerous platforms. I have all those rights and I cherish them, just as much as you cherish your right to stay ignorant and to prevent this nation from becoming a better place for everyone. Not just a few, but for everyone. Not just for the people of the past or the people of the future, but for everyone.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

…and by the way, other countries have “freedom” too. They just seem to have their shit together.

But of course, that’s just 99 problems

Late night writing and DeFranco INC

It’s about 1 in the morning, I’m playing Akira Yamaoka music specifically Silent Hill music, and I’m writing.

So Philip DeFranco. If you know him, awesome, if you don’t, get familiar. He’s a YouTube personality that produces a news style video on a daily basis and also manages a news team with their own separate channel titled SourceFed. I love him, love the news team, love all of it and the concept behind all of it. I also want to be a part of it. HOW DO I DO THAT?!

Well…I need to get The Blend started. The Blend is a YouTube channel concept I have where I post videos (weekly basis) of comedic sketches, commentary, and discussion. I call it a comedy variety show because I would like to incorporate not only the typical comedy sketches, but I’d also like to do “game” segments and other similar segments related to comedy/entertainment. With everything being pre-recorded of course, there’s not much material that could be done. Eventually I’d want to get to a level where I work with other talent, a comedy troupe if you will, that would add more variety to The Blend…like what I did there?

But yeah, I’d love to work for DeFranco INC. Be part of his news team and contribute my creative ideas and talent into the mix.

Update update update…?

So I’ve been working on a crime drama thriller movie idea. Still in the rough skeleton stages, don’t think I’ll hit the screenplay anytime soon due to other ideas running through my head for other movie ideas. Yup.

Oh and…this site needs more pictures. I’ll start making a habit out of posting pictures or videos. Actually…yeah I should do videos, makes sense since I’m from a video background, no shit Jerico.

Aaaand…peace? Deuces?