Tag Archives: movie

Oh, how I remember (the dream is very well alive).

Adventures can be fun.

Like today, for example, we went on an adventure looking for brunch spots to celebrate a best friend’s belated birthday. But thanks to my (lack thereof) phenomenal planning, every place we found had 90876324+ hour wait times. So after three attempts, we settled on a search result from social media claiming a place to be 4.5 stars out of 5 and had appetizing photos of their food. We drove up to what we thought was the location, with closed or run down stores around us; pavement and road cracked to hell, and a majority of beat down cars parked all around us.

“Where is it?”
“Where are we?”
“It says it’s right…”


Naturally, as someone who naturally sees everything through a cinematic lens, I laughed at the site and the situation of our expectation for a millenial/pinterest-chic/Instagram haven/foodie-centric looking restaurant being crushed. But long story short, the food was enjoyable, going with the logic of (rough looking) hole in the wall places having the best food.

I’d say they’re good! If you’re ever in San Antonio, Texas…

But the adventure I’m writing about is the one about my doubts and fears and uncertainties and hopeful wishes and hopeless cries into the night questioning if what I’m doing is what I’m supposed to be doing and if I’m happy or just trying to convince myself I’m happy or just faking it till I make it because that’s one of the most traumatizing memorable lines I took with me after leaving Los Angeles.

Me leaving LA, despite knowing I have to come back and conquer it.

We ended our journey with board games at another best friend’s place. Later on, their family came back home and the young niece started baking. I recalled how for every time I was over she’d bake and I was always charmed at the sight of her passion and happiness. I hoped she would hold onto that youthful passion and possibly pursue it when she grew older, or to at least never fall jaded to the idea of baking.

Then (naturally) I grew selfish/self-centered and thought about myself like I tend to do I recalled how I originally thought my (half-baked) dreams and aspirations originated from high school. I was envious at the romanticized idea of the young baker growing up to be a successful baker, and how she started off as a prodigy and that when she’s interviewed by someone about her success, she could talk about how her dreams started at a very young age.

She could also talk about her ‘alienated’ childhood and her pilgrimage to Hawaii to flee persecution. And how she befriends a little girl named Lilo.

But my dreams came from a very young age, too. I didn’t always think so, or if I did, I completely forgot about it. Sure I made silly home videos when I was in middle school and pursued student broadcasting in high school, but I always felt scatter-brained when it came to pinpointing what I wanted to be. Then I remembered I wrote a story about a cow and an alien when I was seven.

Then I remembered a story from when I was eight about two antagonistic (and sophisticated with their bows and cordial manners) cyborgs hell-bent on destroying the human race through gladiator like fighting.

And an emotional trilogy when I was twelve that saw a group of characters go through the events of a school shooting, living as a homeless teen and running from the law, and the court drama culmination of all the events that had occurred.

And a story when I was thirteen about a military brat/dependent pre-teen bothered by the opinions of students from local public schools (looking back, it was a comedy satire about sub-culture differences).

And a story when I was eleven about…okay, just imagine Jurassic Park, Resident Evil, and Terminator all mashed up into one crazy epic trilogy, yeah I wrote that (and drew attempted concept art of creatures and locations) and presented it for a sixth-grade Reading class project. It was a class favorite. And when we were assigned to act out scenes from each other’s stories, everyone wanted to do scenes from my story! But what was most important of all was how receptive my teacher was. Positively receptive.

I have a vivid memory of a parent/teacher’s open house night or some sort, and how my sixth-grade Reading teacher was telling my mother about my “knack” for storytelling. Hearing those affirmations felt enlightening and after all these years and roller coaster moments of ups and downs and even harder downs, recalling that feeling is a much-needed reaffirmation. Which is why I’m going for my Master’s in Screenwriting.

I remember writing the “school shooting drama” story when I was in eighth grade and I would give my old Reading teacher drafts in between classes. With each draft and brief moments of critique, I was giddy and juvenilely excited to work on the next draft to have her read and repeat the entire process again and again.

For once, the feelings of clarity and certainty are slightly greater than the fog of uncertainty. And with the way life has been, I’ll take slightly.



Adventures can be fun. Even when it feels like you forgot why or where you’re going, it eventually comes back to you. And if not, just keep going. 

…and smile and be happy =)


Video Diary: Winter in Japan

A collection of videos I took while in Japan.

Wish I took more.

And in case you missed it earlier, I wrote about my dear friend Chevaya McKinley. You’re welcome to read that emotionally fueled article here.

Shameless Plug Tuesday: This Is The End

So this is a little late. Wait. No it’s not. Cause it’s still Tuesday. Suck it.

Another quickie.

This Is The End

This is Seth Rogen and buddy Evan Goldberg’s directorial debut. Hilarious hilarious hilarious HILARIOUS comedy. Stupid hilarious. Especially if you’re a fan of the whole Apatow crew (Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, etc). The idea of the cast playing as themselves (exaggerated or not) is simple yet genius. It’s like an SNL sketch as a full length feature film, with no bars or censors, and is actually funny (current SNL sucks, it’s the truth).

But Jerico! How did you watch the movie when it hasn’t been released yet?!

Cause I went to the red carpet premiere, bitch!

But Jerico! Why don’t you have a picture of any of the celebs?!

Cause I’m trying to get a job with the studio that distributed this film, bitch!

I’m sorry, you’re not a bitch, secondary voice used to present a little humor into my piece.

But yes, I went to the red carpet premiere thanks to my contact who’s been helping me network around the different studios and networks out here in LA. And just for the record…Columbia Pictures distributed this film…which is owned by Sony Pictures…which is the company my contact works for. Some of you guys were left hanging and wondering what studio my contact worked for. Well, now you know.

Oh and I saw my girlfriend, Emma Watson there too.

The direction that she’s looking at? I was in that direction. I swear.

Anyways. This Is The End premieres tomorrow nationwide! Go out to the theater, bring a buddy or two, and enjoy the apocalypse together!!!

For more Shameless Plugs, click here!

Smile And Be Happy Monday: Alan Rickman’s Rise to Fame (passing your prime)

Alan Rickman.

You might recognize him as the German terrorist who was tossed off the tower by Bruce Willis after a failed attempt at robbing the entire Nakatomi Plaza.

“But…I have to look over Harry-I mean, fuck…wrong movie. I don’t even know what movie that’s from because the movie I’m currently doing now is from the 80’s. I clearly don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.”

Or as an “ill equipped” angel who guides the “savior to humanity.”

“See? I’m as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll.”

Or you know…Professor Snape.

Direct quote from the movie.

So there you go. If you didn’t know him before, now you do. The end.

Just kidding. What you may not know about Rickman is his story to fame.


One of the common fears and stigmas I worry about is the idea of “passing your prime.” With my goals and aspirations of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, it is a fear I practice on occasion. There’s a lot of pressure to gain exposure at an early age when pursuing the entertainment industry, more so for women. Because of all this pressure I often psyche myself out and worry about not doing anything to better my progress. But hearing stories like Rickman’s rise to fame is definitely a nice reminder to keep calm and carry on.


Alan Rickman first started off as a graphic designer by trade. Though he pursued theatre in his teen years, he went with graphic design as a focus in college, which he felt was a more stable field compared to acting. After school, he opened up a graphic design studio with some friends and did pretty well for three years. He then realized that if he wanted to pursue acting, he had to do it now or never. So he did it. He played it safe, stuck with his nine to five job, and quit acting forever.

Yup, except that’s total bullshit. He took all the money he made from running the studio and put it all towards school, this time for acting. For just two years, he managed to make a name for himself among the “acting” scene across the pond. He earned prizes such as the Emile Littler Prize (that sounds nice), the Forbes Robertson Prize (Forbes as in the rich people magazine?) and the Bancroft Gold Medal (I love Lara Croft in Tomb Raider!). He continued to progress by working with numerous groups, getting his name out there in the acting universe. But of course, it wasn’t till he played a tiny little role in a tiny little movie series that the mainstream audience I mean the whole entire world grew to know and love.

What’s Harry Potter?

When Rickman first got the role as Professor Snape in the stupidly successful Harry Potter film series, he was fifty five. Mother fuckin’ fifty five. Mother fuckin’ five times eleven equals mother fuckin’ fifty five. Fuckin’ half a century plus five, fifty five. Fuckin’ five times a hundred minus fifty seven then carry over the two and ninety nine percent and forget that equation cause I know you’re not keeping up anyways and with the velocity of fifty five, just how old was Alan Rickman when he first performed the role as Professor Snape? Twenty seven. Bullshit, fuckin’ fifty five.

Not fifty six, not fifty four…not fifty three, not fifty seven…

And we all know how that tiny little film series did…

Not to mention all the other roles he played in numerous appearances.

So the moral of the story…you’re never too old to chase your dream. Sure there’s circumstances and situations that may hold you back, but you can always get back on track. It may be different, but you can always go for your dreams. The only person that’s holding you back is yourself. So go for it.

For Sylvester Stallone’s inspiring story, click here!

All images used are linked to their original sources.

And always remember to smile and be happy =)

End of the World Scenarios (that one chance to be irresponsible)

It’s the end of the world, as we know it. Quick, what would do with only 7 days left till the world ends in total annihilation?  Would you finally go bungee jumping? Go to that one club you always wanted to go to but never did because it looked sketch? Finally pick up a heroin addiction? Sleep with that one guy or girl from high school that you always wanted to get with? These are all ridiculous things to do, but to each their own. I know for a fact that there’s worse things out there, far worse things.

One of my favorite sequences in the film. Just flat out adorable.

I just finished watching Seeking a Friend for the End of the World with a friend (haha) and naturally as film and television students we had to discuss and critique the movie. My take was that overall it was a good movie, cute story matter of fact with some genuine heart touching moments. I’m honestly tired of seeing Steve Carrel take that typical “I don’t have anything figured out and I’m totally awkward and boring” character, but Keira Knightley’s performance as a character I have never ever seen her pull off before was amazing. She played a typical young, fleeting, naive hipster girl living a dangerous life, which isn’t really much of an original character if you think about it but her pulling that character off was an amazing feat.

What my friend and I also discussed was how I’m leaving soon and that the next few days are pretty much an “end of the world” scenario. Meaning, I should go out with a bang and do something incredibly stupid and irresponsible. I’ve entertained the idea plenty of times, but because of my hatred for those “party rock” types of people, I’ve never pursued it. My friend just kept insisting, as a friend should, and the more she did the more I entertained it. I started thinking more on my arguments about your typical college kids and one thing I never stated was how that it was healthy to do so at this age. It is in fact encouraged to get all your craziness out in college so that you could get it done with, grow up and move on instead of being a child stuck in a full grown adult’s body. It’s embarrassing, discouraging, and disgusting seeing “young professionals” still acting like college kids.

But anyways, I sort of want to be irresponsible. I want to do something incredibly stupid, spur of the moment kind of thing, caught up in the moment kind of thing, sounded like a good idea kind of thing. Thing is would I really?

I absolutely hate How I Met Your Mother, or any CBS sitcom for that matter. But their topic on “woo girls” was spot on.

Let’s be honest now, Jerico. You may go out and be the outspoken, extroverted, communicative kind of guy…but would you really stoop low to cheap sexual pleasures in the form of hooking up? Nah…that’s not me, it really isn’t.

It’s a funny idea to entertain, but nope. No plans on it.

Funny thing is that I’ll be going to Play, our favorite bar, Tuesday night for karaoke and I’ve invited plenty of my friends and some other good people to come by. My friend kept insisting that something would or should go down that night. To me, if it does, then it does. If not, then whatever.

This is probably my ticket, my one free chance to finally go out and be truly stupid. Maybe…just maybe…

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