Tag Archives: Moments

“Remember that one time I had to piss into a bottle in your car while we were listening to Louis Armstrong?”


This past Labor Day weekend my friends and I went up to Austin for a day trip. Many laughs were had, many jokes were made, many songs were sung, and again, many laughs were had. Just a couple weeks ago, I went out with a different dynamic of our group of friends and had an equally amount of fun.

This was from when the different dynamic group hung out at a new rooftop bar downtown. Paramour. The best.
This was from when the different dynamic group hung out at a new rooftop bar downtown. Paramour. The best.
Cheese. Cheese. Shy.

I love my friends. I constantly talk about them, I put them on a pedestal, and I deeply cherish them. They’re simply irreplaceable.

Please get the reference.

But I don’t say that in unison with everyone else stating the same sentiment, no. Consider this a cocky, “my friends are better than yours,” sort of statement, because they are. And it’s okay for you to feel that way about your friends too.

"I'm not the hero this city needs."
“I’m not the hero this city needs.”
"But the hero this city deserves."
“But the hero this city deserves.”

The company I keep and hold dearly are the types who could easily share a personal comedic story, reciprocate the openness of everyone in the group, appreciate AND partake in comedic timing,  contribute to the moment or the story or the joke of the overall situation, and those who have true depth and embrace it.

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When I’m with my friends, the biggest thing I strive for is to create memorable moments that’ll be stories to share in the future. I’m a sucker for stories, whether it’s telling mine or hearing others. Because of that passion, I can’t help but make every moment spent with others to be memorable. And it’s not forced either, it’s a natural ability that I’ve been complimented on. So I take pride in that.

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So if there’s anything to take away from this, it’s to create your own moments so you’ll have stories to share later on.

“Hey guys, I picked up reading now!”
This apartment showcase in Ikea was my all time favorite. I should have got more pictures but this was clearly my favorite part of the apartment.
I’ll take all three, thank you.
Reiky in his natural habitat.


Oh and the titular quote for this article? That actually happened on our drive back from Austin. Yup. We were listening to the song below. Listen to it and imagine four twenty something’s inside a car giggling uncontrollably with the driver screaming “you better not miss” and this song on full blast with the windows down. At about 9 pm.

…and don’t forget to smile and be happy =)

Smile and Be Happy Monday: 40 Ways to Feel More Alive (TinyBuddha.com)

Number one…soak your feet in the most exotic water at the most exotic place you’ve ever been to.

To start your week off with a warm feeling in your heart and a smile on your face, I’d like to share with you a post from TinyBuddha.com. The post is about 40 Ways to Feel More Alive and it’s a list of just that, 40 ways to feel more alive! And instead of being cheap and reposting the entire post, you guys can read it for yourself right here. What I will do is talk about the 4 main points writer Lori Deschene brought up.

Say something you’ve been meaning to say

“Remember that last slice of your birthday cake that went missing? Yeah, well just reminding you that I STILL DIDN’T EAT IT.”

Let’s go back to high school. Scratch that, let’s make it worse, middle school. Remember those god awful years of junior high? Awkward school dances, awkward talks about sex, awkward body changes. Yeah, middle school. The awkward precursor to the brutal years of  high school. One of the most common scenarios that occurred in junior high was confessing your feelings for someone. Whether you were successful or not, it was always awkward. Junior high was just one giant cluster fuck of awkwardness. Hell, we even sounded awkward whenever we opened our mouth!

Now jump forward to the present day. The similarity that hasn’t changed? Communication is still a bitch! We may have developed better social skills here and there, but we still suffer from poor communication problems. We tend to refrain from saying what we want to say because of fear. We have a fear of rejection, misunderstanding, regret, or even loss. Because of this fear things are left unsaid,  yielding to doors left unopened, which yields to paths left unexplored.

Moments are what opens doors for us. Moments are made through communication with others, no matter what form it may be. So with simple math, having a lack of communication creates a lack of moments. So what do we do? Talk! Communicate with others, create a moment, share a moment. Especially when you have something that you’ve been dying to say. Just say what you need to say. John Mayer would be proud of you.

Try something you always wanted to try

*humming in his head* “SOMEBODY LEFT THE GATE OOOOOOPEN!!!”

That crazy idea you and your buddy had that one time? You should go do it. Now.

Just kidding. Finish reading this article, the actual post, THEN go and do it.

I’m all for new experiences, trying out new things. New this and new that. Whenever you try new things you turn the unknown into the known. The uncertain into the certain. The I haven’t done into I have done. Whenever you try new things you learn about the world around you and about yourself. You learn more about what you like and don’t like, what you want and don’t want. You make your life easier as you become wiser than you were the day before. You’re also on set for a track of positive creation instead of negative destruction. You build upon your repertoire of experiences as you open up to new experiences.

So whether it’s skydiving or crapping on your neighbor’s lawn, go out do something that you’ve always wanted to do.

Just don’t tell the authorities I told you that if you get caught for doing something illegal.

Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go

Ahhh Vegas.

Travel while you’re young. It’s a common thing that us young adults hear or read about. Hell, we all would love to do so but we always have something holding us back. Whether it’s money, or time, or responsibility, we always have something holding us back.

But what if we could throw caution to the wind and say “Fuck it, let’s go to Fiji.” Could we honestly do that without suffering any repercussions? Truth is, no. At least no safe guarantee. BUT WHAT YOU DO HAVE GUARANTEED is an opportunity to create a moment. I mean that’s what this entire post is all about, right? Create a moment by going somewhere you’ve always wanted to go!

As young adults, we’re constantly told to travel while we’re young and there’s a good reason why. At the tender age of 20 something, we’re still learning about the world around us and how life works. To get a better lesson on all of that, we need to experience other cultures! From exploring different cultures you’ll sure as hell gain new experiences. With all the knowledge and experience you got abroad, you’ll have a better outlook on the world. You’ll have a better base of ideas, morals, views to rely on for all your needs.

And if you can’t afford to travel? Take one day off and drive to somewhere you’ve never been. No car? Then go out and walk to somewhere you’ve never been. No matter if it’s far or near, go to a new place. Make a discovery. Escape from what you already know and learn about a new place.

Do something you thought you couldn’t do

Like a boss.

If there’s any message that should hit you the most when you read this post (Dr. Seuss motherfucker), it’s doing something that you thought you couldn’t do.

Everyone’s a critic. Whether it’s your family or friends, superiors or peers, everyone’s a critic. The worse critic in our lives though is ourselves. We’re our own worst enemy, our own worst critics. The reason why we’re so hard on ourselves is because it us that’s living our lives. No one else is physically, mentally, or emotionally living our lives except us. So because of that we’re constantly hard on our selves. But if anything, that just creates an opportunity to prove ourselves wrong.

Nothing beats a story about overcoming circumstances in order to achieve something. They’re truly inspirational and they highlight the true will and spirit of a human being. They prove that no matter what disability or ailment you have, no matter where you come from, you have just as much power as the next person to reach your goal. Go for your dreams, aim high, and never give up. Prove to yourself that you’re better than what you are. Prove to yourself that you can do it.

In conclusion here’s what I have to say.

Don’t live in fear of regret, but instead fear that you’ll never live. Always remember that you are more than enough. Either learn how to change or accept, just don’t feel hopeless and do nothing. Know that if there’s anyone that can do it, it’s you. And remember that happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.

And don’t forget to smile and be happy =)